Jan 27, 2016
Webinar: Synergy-based Control in OpenSim: Coupled Muscle Activity in Static Optimization
Learn about the synergy-based control theory for human movement and how it can be evaluated within OpenSim
A recording of the event is available for viewing. You can also learn more about the project through the project website and the related publication "Consequences of biomechanically constrained tasks in the design and interpretation of synergy analyses." To learn more about Dr. Steele's research at the University of Washington, visit https://depts.washington.edu/uwsteele.Details
Title: Synergy-based Control in OpenSim: Coupled Muscle Activity in Static Optimization Speakers: Kat Steele, University of Washington Time: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard TimeAbstract
How humans control movement remains an open question. One theory suggests that muscles may be activated in weighted groups, commonly referred to as muscle synergies, modes, or modules. A small number of synergies have been shown to describe muscle activity in both animals and humans during tasks such as walking and reaching; however, whether these synergies reflect underlying neural control or other constraints remains unclear. An advantage of musculoskeletal simulation is that we can specify and test different control strategies.
In this webinar, Dr. Steele will discuss an OpenSim plug-in that lets users couple the activation of multiple muscles in weighted groups through static optimization. She will demonstrate applications of this plug-in for evaluating synergy-based control and testing the impacts of variable muscle weightings on tibiofemoral contact forces.