Oct 03, 2015

OpenSim Workshop at SIAMOC 2015

Massimo Sartori and Monica Reggiani are leading a workshop at the XVI Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis in Padova, Italy.

Title: Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation of Human Movement in OpenSim
Organizers: Massimo Sartori (University Medical Center Gottingen, Germany) and Monica Reggiani (University of Padova, Italy)
Venue: The XVI Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis (SIAMOC 2015), September 30 - October 3, Padova, Italy
Website: http://siamoc2015.centrocongressipadova.it/

Description: This half-day workshop will introduce participants to the general theory of musculoskeletal modelling and simulation in OpenSim. The covered topics will include: experimental motion data import in the OpenSim environment, generation of subject-specific musculoskeletal models, inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics simulations of human movement. The workshop will feature hands-on exercises where participants will learn to use the OpenSim's graphical user interface and some of the Opensim low-level scripting functionalities.