Nov 15, 2018

Webinar: Jumping into OpenSim 4.0

The Stanford University team will introduce the next release of OpenSim - version 4.0. We will give an overview of the software's new features and demo the new visualizer and other capabilities.


A recording of the event is available for viewing. We have also made the slides and responses to questions from the Q&A available.


Title: Jumping into OpenSim 4.0
Speakers: Ayman Habib, Jennifer Hicks, Tom Uchida, and Ajay Seth, Stanford University
Time: Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time


The webinar will debut OpenSim 4.0, the forthcoming major release of our software for biomechanical modeling and simulation. OpenSim 4.0 includes updates and new features that will benefit users from beginner to advanced. With OpenSim 4.0, we've added:
  • A brand new visualizer that is easy to use and creates high-quality images and movies
  • Mac and Windows compatibility
  • Streamlined data import and export, for example, allowing users to import C3D files directly
  • An improved interface (API) for creating customizable modeling and simulation studies, through both the Graphical User Interface and Matlab and Python scripting
We will introduce these and other new features, and use hands-on examples to demonstrate how they can accelerate your work.

Intended Audience:

Current OpenSim users of all levels and those interested in learning more about the software and getting started.

Webinar Goals:

  • Explain the motivation for the OpenSim 4.0 development effort
  • Introduce the new features in the OpenSim 4.0 GUI and API
  • Demo the new features for visualization
  • Introduce some of the new tools for designing your own custom studies, such as outputting specific quantities of interest and building simple models
  • Point out key resources to get started with the new version of the software

Downloading OpenSim 4.0:

To download and try out the OpenSim 4.0 software, visit We have also provided information about new features and how to upgrade. Thank you to all of those who have helped test the beta and provided feedback. We will post the final release prior to the webinar.

Other Resources: